... 史努比街市情人节版 (Snoopy’s Street Fair) 找不同 (Find the Difference) 甜甜圈速递员 (Donut Express -- Tappi Bear) ...
Find the Difference for iPhone 大家来找茬
Battle Find the Difference 找碴大战
find the difference between them 发现二者之间的差异 ; 找到它们之间的区别 ; 找到它们之间的分歧
Find The Difference 13 忍者神龟的秘密
Find the Difference for 找不同为了孩子
Find The Difference 6 超人的挑战
How did you find the difference in training?
You will find the difference when you actually test this out.
To find the bonus armor not increased by this bonus, simply find another piece for the same slot, with the same item level, and find the difference in armor value.
And the difference between her as a child and her in this moment is that she had not bothered to find out.
The alternative is to try to find some relevant difference between the watch case and the tower case.
And then watch what happens to the prose style and the difference in tone: I find it most difficult to express with adequate force that flash, that shiver, that impact of passionate recognition.